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Drunken Monkey Tours
Drunken Monkey Prague Crawl joined our services just a few weeks after the covid lockdown, their main KPI's when they started was to bring more customers to their business, a bar in the centre of Prague. They also wanted high quality content planning to show the rest of the city B2C & B2B that they are fully operational and that the party never stops.

We had photo shoots on busy nights to capture the moments within their bar, which we then used for high quality content, stories & reels. We also posted these photos onto FB albums for friends to tag and engage with each other on.

The clients only challenge was to bring the Instagram back to life and have customers (hot & cold) all finding out about Drunken Monkey being back and thriving. 

We made had a content schedule of posts every other day and stories every day, which increased the hype around the brand which brings in more link in bio clicks, which lead to the ticket entry system needed for their bar and service.

We sat down with the owners at Drunken Monkey and discussed their visions, goals and who and where their ideal clients are. With this information we were able to use our Growth & Engagement strategies along side with out Lead Generation targets to make sure we were getting seen by these people.

We created consistent such as posts, stories, quizzes & reels to show a professional brand image and to make sure we were on top of the algorithm and in front of the targeted people.

Before the customer service was also not great within the Instagram and Facebook which was loosing making the company loose many interested clients, so we made it our personal mission to ensure we reply to all comments & direct messages right away. Using a friendly welcoming tone throughout.

All in all our Services at BeeBigger impacted the Drunken Monkeys social proof/ credibility but also increased the link clink from their instagram bringing a lot more organic traffic to their site and service.

We helped them have one of their bests months in years and set up many partnerships/ connections with other B2B services with in their local area, helping them to expand.

We have been working with Drunken Monkey for years now taking there account from 4k followers to 30k+ .The team their is great with letting us have creative freedom which gives them more time to focus on their businesses and every day life, we look forward to working with Drunken Monkey for the months ahead.
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