Na tomto zařízení byly provedeny následující práce: montáž opláštění sádrokartonem, aplikace hydroizolace ve vlhkých prostorách, pokládka obkladů a dlažeb v koupelně 600 x 600
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Select the Service Category
Select a category and fill out the order form in detail. The more detailed you describe the order, the more specialists will respond to it.
The platform will show you up to 6 specialists who responded to your order with their price and timeline proposals.
Discuss all order details with candidates in the chat on the platform.
Choose one contractor, and the platform will share your contact information with each other.
After the order is completed, go to your personal account, click the "Close order" button, and leave a review about the contractor's work
For some service categories, you will immediately have access to the service providers' contact information.