How to fill out a specialist profile

Copywriter WeCan
Views: 494

A key step at the beginning of working with WeCan is completing your specialist profile. Your profile is your business card, and its quality determines how many clients you attract. In this article, we will advise you on how to edit your profile so that clients choose you.

It is important to include the following information in the specialist profile:

  1. Resume
  2. Portfolio
  3. Diplomas and certificates
  4. Language skills
  5. Personal qualities
  6. Reviews and ratings
  7. Contact information

We will then explain in detail what each point should contain and how to become the most sought-after specialist in the eyes of WeCan clients.

Example of a good profile on WeCan:

1. Resume 

The purpose of a resume is to provide comprehensive information about your experiences and skills. Describe your professional journey in reverse chronological order, starting with your last job or project. This will allow you to showcase your professional evolution and achievements. It is important to include as many details as possible: describe goals and responsibilities so that the client can get an idea that you have already performed similar tasks and are capable of effectively handling new work. List all your professional skills, both technical and soft. Make sure the resume is structured and easy to read.


2. Portfolio 

A portfolio allows potential clients to appreciate the quality of your work. We strongly recommend adding photos and videos of completed projects to your WeCan profile. Be sure to include a description of each work with the goals, your contribution, and the achieved results. The portfolio should be carefully structured and visually attractive, which will help you stand out from the competition and grab the attention of potential clients.


3. Diplomas and Certificates 

Include information about your education in your profile: educational institutions, fields of study, years of study, and degrees earned. This will confirm your qualifications and competencies. Diplomas and certificates are official confirmations of your skills and knowledge, which is especially important for specialized tasks.

Mentioning additional education, seminars, and courses will highlight your willingness for continuous development and acquiring new technologies. The client will not only see your level of knowledge but also be able to appreciate your ability to handle larger and long-term projects.


4. Language Skills 

Our platform is multilingual, and clients and contractors can speak different languages. For comfortable communication and successful collaboration, it is important to indicate your level of language proficiency. This will help us find the most suitable clients and projects for you.

In some areas, knowledge of certain languages is a prerequisite for task completion, such as working in a multilingual or multicultural team. Specialists who speak several languages can significantly expand project possibilities, helping to penetrate new markets and establish contacts with international partners.


5. Personal Qualities 

In this section, you should briefly introduce yourself to potential clients. Write down the qualities that will attract a potential client and increase your chances of getting a job. Personal qualities help a potential client understand what kind of character traits you have and how you will approach task solving. Mention qualities that will help reveal your individuality and attract a potential client. Be honest to avoid unpleasant situations when performing work tasks. Ideally, list 4-6 key qualities that are most important for the desired projects.


6. Reviews and Ratings 

Nothing increases trust in a specialist more than the experiences of other clients. If a client was satisfied with your work, remind them to leave a review on WeCan – many people forget to do so after completing a project. The more positive reviews, the better your professional reputation and the chances of attracting new clients. On the WeCan platform, reviews increase your rating, making you more visible to potential clients.

How to properly ask for a review:

  • Choose the right moment: ask for a review right after completing the work when the client is satisfied with the result and impressions are still fresh. This increases the chances of getting a positive and detailed review.
  • Be specific: explain why the review is important to you. Mention that it helps improve your services and is important for your professional growth.
  • The process: We have simplified the review process. After closing the order, the client is automatically prompted to fill out a rating form based on three criteria: punctuality, politeness, quality of work.

7. Contact 

Information Don't forget to update the contact information in your personal profile. Even though the client will not see your contact details until they choose you as a specialist, it is important that they can easily reach you. Inaccurate contact details can lead to the loss of potential jobs.



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