Liability for damage

Vadym Kuljas
Views: 780

Let me briefly describe my experience with liability insurance. Over my many years of experience, I’ve encountered various situations, which lead me to this conclusion: it’s not so important which insurance company is listed on your policy; what truly matters is who you can call—even on a weekend—and who will make the effort to ensure you’re compensated for your damages.

It’s worth acknowledging that the primary task of insurance company employees in support services and contact centers is to save the company money.

Now, let’s classify types of insurance:

  1. Self-Employed (OSVČ) – If you provide services where you could unintentionally damage someone else’s property (building materials, interiors, furniture—the list is extensive), and the work falls under your line of business, insurance can cover damages up to 5 million CZK. For this, you pay approximately 290 CZK per month.
  2. Employed Workers – In this case, the company covers the damage for you. Employers may require you to have personal insurance or provide coverage themselves. For companies with 5 or more employees, insurers often offer discounts.
  3. “Stupidity” Insurance – This type of insurance isn’t tied to your professional activities but covers damage caused accidentally in everyday situations. For example, breaking a vase in a museum or an item in a store. In such cases, “stupidity” is not strictly defined.

Often, skilled insurance specialists include this type of coverage in apartment, life, or health insurance agreements. If purchased separately, the monthly payment is about 150 CZK. If an incident occurs during one-off jobs, such as freelance gigs, the insurance company may, at its discretion, compensate damages up to 2 million CZK.

A word of caution: any fraud or collusion is punishable under criminal law, with penalties of up to 5 years in prison.

Feel free to call +420 608 307 789 or write [email protected] 

My WeCan profile:

 I also successfully insure cars, real estate, life, and health.